Our team of data scientists & machine learning engineers extract insights from your data that helps you unlock the untapped potential of your data. Improve your business results by infusing machine intelligence into business decisions with a combination of Deep Learning, Computer Visions, NLP, Chatbots and Data Analytics. From R&D project services to AI development and deployment, we undertake a wide range of services, materialising your Data Science initiatives into real impact solutions. Leverage our scalable end-to-end, continuous model training and MLOps for on cloud and on premise solutions.
Deep Learning enables organizations to tap into the potential of unstructured data including images, text and other data formats to come up with innovative use cases that deploy AI, automatic translation, image interpretation, natural language processing among others. The AI development team creates Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and uses DL techniques to propel our client company’s output.
Our Expertise lies in:
Our NLP based solutions and services helps businesses to better understand Human Language. Make use of our bespoke NLP models for customer feedback analysis, detect and extract topics, analyse sentiments and make applications and services more context-aware and smart. We also facilitate the labelling, creation, and validation of domain-specific natural language data.
Our Expertise lies in:
Predictive analytics collates advanced analytics capabilities covering ad-hoc statistical analysis, data mining, predictive modelling, optimisation, text analytics, real-time scoring, and machine learning.
Our core lies in identifying patterns in data and forecasting. We use predictive analytics based on statistical algorithms, data, and ML to determine the possibility of future business outcomes such as:
Problem Identification - Business Questions/Challenges, Stakeholder Brainstorming Workshops, Managed Innovation
Problem Categorisation - Reports/Dashboards, Exploratory Data Analysis, Predictive, Prescriptive etc.
Project Success Factors - Agree on Project Outcomes.
Data Sourcing - Data Scope, Data Sources, Business Data Definitions, Building Data Pipelines.
Data Quality - Data Profiling to assess completeness, correctness, consistency and coherence.
Data Governance - Right Data at the right time in the right format to take right decisions.
Model Selection - Determine suitable modelling techniques, Tools and Packages.
Model Training & Validation - Train the selected Models with Training/Validation data and finalise the best fit model.
Data Implementation - Deploy the solution in Production at scale.
Analytical Storytelling - Answering business questions, focussed recommendations tied to value generation.
Change Management - Shift to data driven decision making, provide stakeholder training and feedback.
Reports - Attribution methods, periodic reporting to management.
Leading Indicators - Retention Rates, Satisfaction Rates etc.
Lagging Indicators - Revenue, Cost & Profit etc.
Computer Vision Solution for Image Analysis powered by a custom trained model on a defined class of objects. OCR and Text Detection are inbuilt as added offerings.
Object detection on media and images. Can be used across for security analysis, trend detection, object classification etc. based on stored images on databases and enterprise cloud.
A Deep Learning approach to detect Covid-19 from X-ray images. Built on a custom trained ML model and algorithm.
Disease Detection and Prediction from medical imagery patterns
NLP based Context Detection to classify documents under a defined 20 categories of documents.Trained on over 18K Data Points.
Classification of the documents based on their context. Can be extended to many areas in NLP such as Sentiment analysis, Text Similarity, Named Entity Recognition and can build cutting-edge question answering systems, to name a few.
Self servicing cloud computing for efficient management of resources and cost.
One stop solution for students to pursue higher studies abroad.
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